Born 1985 in Irkutsk, Siberia, USSR
Lives and works in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste – Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main
Meisterschüler of professor Judith Hopf

The Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia, Moscow
Professor Roman Minaev (2012, 2013)
Professor Vladimir Kupriyanov (2010, 2011)

Irkutsk State Technical University, Cybernetics faculty, Irkutsk

 • «Beyond the Cold Shores – Schlieder Contemporary Gallery, Frankfurt am Main (solo)

 • «Seasonal chamber. Session One» – Basis Projektraum, Frankfurt am Main (solo)
 • «Winter Whispers in Midsummer» – Fontana-Klub, Frankfurt am Main (solo)

 • «Ewiges Eis» – Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg
 • «Kunst-Benefizausstellung» – Dora Ostrovsky Art Hub, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Kunst-Benefizauktion» – Atelierfrankfurt, Frankfurt am Main

 • «The Others» – Torino Esposizioni, Turin, Italy
 • «Forgotten Facades» – Project space Elbestrasse 10, Frankfurt am Main (2 artists show)
 • «Schwebezustand» – Goethe-Institut Bandung & G.I. Malaysia, online
 • «Sisyphus Museum. Retrospective» – Basis Projektraum, Frankfurt am Main (solo)
 • «Lockdown. Kunst und Krise» – Heussenstamm-Stiftung, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Fifth Wave» – Shchusev State Museum of Architecture, Special Project of the 2nd Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art, Moscow
 • «Seven plus one and again» – Sisyphus Museum, Frankfurt am Main (solo)

 • «Between fire and fare» – Sisyphus Museum, Frankfurt am Main (solo)
 • «Kinoperedvizhka» – Film Festival, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Figuring the key: Remixing codes after the peak» – Sisyphus Museum, Frankfurt am Main (solo)
 • «The Censored Exhibition» – Copenhagen Photo Festival, Denmark 
 • «Who reflects who» – Sisyphus Museum, Frankfurt am Main (solo)
 • «Unreal Reality» – Gallery Von&Von, Nuremberg

 • «Air conditioned» – Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
 • «In actu. In potentia» – Project-space «fffriedrich», Frankfurt am Main
 • «A world without latitude and longitude» – Städelschule Rundgang, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Plat(t)form 2019» – Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland

 • «Grey is the new pink» – Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main
 • «A new reality – in search of the island» – Kunstraum in Churfranken, Gallery Löw-Haus, Klingenberg (solo)
 • «Youth uniforms of Moscow» – Museum of Moscow, Moscow
 • «Nexus» – RAY Festival, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
 • «The Game» – Festival der jungen Talente, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Eduard Teachev: retrospective and new works» – Opelvillen Rüsselsheim, Rüsselsheim– (solo)
 • «Junge Kunst mit Zukunft» – Auktion, Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Prima Vista» – RheinMain CongressCenter, Wiesbaden
 • «Lichthalle» – Städelschule Rundgang, Frankfurt am Main

 • «Where can I study the glass bead game?» – Project-space «Ceresbyen1A», Aarhus, Denmark– (solo)
 • «A journey to the center of the Earth» – Artplay, Moscow
 • «Collecting the island» – Städelschule Rundgang, Frankfurt am Main
 • «It´s a good day to have a good day» – MEET/N/WORK, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Chambers. a user's manual. chapter II» – curated by Passe-avant, Frankfurt am Main

 • «The Real Kiss» – Project-space «Johan», Frankfurt am Main
 • «Monpti» – Kurzbauergasse Oida, Vienna
 • «Throwing balls in the air» – Youth Art Biennale «Academiae», Franzensfeste/Fortezza, South Tyrol, Italy
 • «Chambers. A user's manual. chapter I» – curated by Passe-avant, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Before» – Project-space «After the Butcher», Berlin
 • «Eduard Teachev» – Städelschule Rundgang, Frankfurt am Main

 • «Wolkenkuckucksheim» – Project-space «Korrekt», Heterotopien project, Frankfurt am Main
 • «To tell fortunes by cotton mouth» – Project-space «Husslehof», Frankfurt am Main – (two artists show)
 • «Trench Life» – Städelschule Rundgang, Frankfurt am Main
 • «Borders» – Gallery «platform Sarai», Frankfurt am Main – (solo)

 • «Heaven» – Museum and Exhibition Center «Worker and Kolkhoz Woman», Moscow
 • «What are you drawing?» – Project-space «Primus», Irkutsk – (solo)
 • Städelschule Rundgang, Frankfurt am Main

 • «Inevitable and optional inconsistencies» – Exhibition hall of The Rodchenko School
of Photography and Multimedia, Moscow

 • «Closed for reconstruction. Internal works» – Artplay, Main exhibition hall, Moscow
 • «Anti-hero» – Artplay, Gallery «Office», Moscow

 • «Olkhon. Transformation» – Exhibition hall of cultural and recreational center of Khuzhir, Baikal – (solo)
 • «Photo-census of the village Prislonikha» – Center for Folk Culture, Ulyanovsk
 • «Karmanov – Murzin» – Project space «Studio on Voennaya street» Novosibirsk. – (two artists show)

 • «The monastic way of life» – Museum of Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
 • «The monastic way of life» – Holy Vvedensky  Monastery, Vyazniki
 • «Samara Province. Hills. Steppe. Volga» – Gallery «New space», Samara

Prizes, Grants & Scholarships
2022 • Stiftung Kunstfonds – Neustart Kultur Stipendium
2021 • HAP Hessische Atelierprogramm
2020 • Hessische Kulturstiftung working grant
2020 • Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main working grant
2019 • BFF Förderpreis 2019
2018/19 • The Heinz und Gisela Friederichs Stiftung project stipend
2018 • Albig-Stiftung working grant
2016 • DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements of foreign students studying at German universities

Art-Books, Publications, Catalogs
 • «Art Kaleidoscope» – Heft 1/2023 p.14-18, Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Germany

 • «Ewiges Eis» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition. Museum Sinclair-Haus
 • «Hussleblatt – 8½ Jahre Husslehof» – catalogue
 • «Frieden» – Journal-Frankfurt 04.2022

 • «Experts of the future. A manual» – art book, Kinobrigada/Platform Sarai
 • «Sisyphus Museum. Retrospective» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition
 • «Kunst rollt an!» – Journal-Frankfurt 01.07.2021
 • «Lockdown. Kunst und Krise» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition. Heussenstamm-Stiftung
 • «How to Spice Museums Up» – Passe-avant Magazine 10.02.2021
 • «Künstlerische Produktivität in der Krise» – Interview, Gallerytalk Magazine 28.01.2021

 • «Art Hole: 2» – Art Hole Magazine, UK
 • «Art Kaleidoscope» – Heft 3/2020, Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Germany
 • «Curatorial Volume.2» – Capsules Book publisher, Australia

 • «Air conditioned» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition «Air conditioned»

 • «Nexus» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition «Nexus»

 • «Chambers. an exhibition trilogy» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition «Chambers. a user's manual. chapter II»
 • «200 Jahre Städelschule» – anniversary edition
 • «A journey to the center of the Earth» – catalogue of the exhibition.

 • «Women's Art» A book of Art and Families – project publication of the class of Prof. Judith Hopf
 • «Throwing balls in the air» – catalogue of the Youth Art Biennale «Academiae»
 • «Chambers. a user's manual. a notebook» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition «Chambers. a user's manual. chapter I»

 • «Borders» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition «Borders. Ivan Murzin»

 • «Lean to Prislonikha» – catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition «Photo-census of the village Prislonikha»

Works held in private collections in Russia, Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark.
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